Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Life of a Tree

I stand high above the ground. I am a witness to everything that happens around me. From the insects crawling around at my trunk to the majestic birds flying above my head, I see it all. As the wind blows my from left to right, my view of the world around me only continues to grow. Life on this earth changes so much day by day, and I am an eyewitness to it all.

I began as only a tiny seed, and grew into a massive body. My whole life runs in a continuous cycle. In the spring, I am hooded with hundreds and hundreds of green leaves. As the year moves on, however, these leaves wilt and fall off, leaving me defenseless against the forces of both nature and humanity. Year by year, this cycle continues until I can stand no more.

I rely on everything in my environment to survive. I need the sunlight, the water, and the carbon dioxide I breathe if I want my life to continue. It would only take me missing one of these important necessities for my life to end. At the same time, I am very important to everything in life too. I produce oxygen and make more seeds for more trees to grow. Everything in my environment is connected. Everything relies on one another to survive and thrive. Although the life of a tree may seem very simple, it is very complex and important to everything else in this world.

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